small note published on my Linkedin .. (Being a hustling mother myself, such incidents are very close to me heart.. )
Our team finalized Akanksha’s candidature in March 2022. She had to start in April. During her notice period with her previous employer, she got to know about her pregnancy. She informed me. She told that she was keen to work at Digi Acai.
I liked her honesty.
Though, I was worried whether we could offer her paid maternity leaves and enough flexibility during her pregnancy. I wasn’t sure if we could afford it.
I chose to be honest with her. Paid maternity leave wasn’t something she was looking for, she said. At the time, I did not make any promises to her.
She gave her best during her pregnancy days.
And I saved little amount every month with a thought to support some of her maternity leaves. Finally when she was about to take her maternity break, I told her that we could give her a few months of paid leaves. 🙂

These beautiful stories are going to be our precious memories when we will grow enough to support full paid leaves for all the new mothers in the company.
Moms are the backbone of Digi Acai … Proud to be working with them…