Need more quality backlinks? Know where to spend your time

Backlinks are links from a page on one website to another. They are also known as “inbound links” or “incoming links”. Most search engines including Google, consider backlinks as the major ranking factor. Backlinks are very important for SEO. If you want to do SEO for your website and get relevant organic traffic then you need to get high-quality backlinks. It helps you to make more sales and increase your brand recognition. The more links you create the more traffic you will receive from search engines. Backlinks allow you to reach people who may not otherwise be aware of your business, your brand, and the e-commerce website. In this article, we are going to know how you can get more quality backlinks, but first, let’s understand how quality backlinks matter for SEO.

Why are backlinks important for SEO?

Quality backlinks matter a lot for SEO. backlinks have always been an important factor in how search engines rank websites on their search engine results page. These search engines see backlinks as votes of confidence and help in brand awareness. Correspondingly, the more votes your web pages have, the more likely they are to rank for related queries. Backlinks basically is a way to tell search engines that others approve of your content. So, the more quality backlinks you have, the more trustworthy your site will appear. Attributes of quality backlinks are as follow:

1. Authority: Backlinks are perceived to have a high value if they are from strong web pages. They usually transfer more authority than weak ones.

2. Relevancy: The backlinks that are relevant have more value. Basically, A backlink from a site that’s doing something similar to yours has a more positive impact on ranking than a backlink from a site that’s not related to your niche.

3. Context: Backlinks that are found in your page’s content are more important for ranking than the ones that are found somewhere else. Backlinks at the beginning of blog articles are referred to the most. Read Pillar Cluster strategy to create content that drives relevant traffic to the website.  

4. Traffic: Backlinks that are from high-traffic pages will send you more traffic than the ones from low-traffic pages. Backlinks that are from unique websites will be more important.

Now let’s discuss how you can get high-quality backlinks to your website:

1. Guest posting:

Guest posting or guest blogging is a practice of offering free content to another website in exchange for a backlink to your own website. It is a very popular link building method. It is profitable for both the websites: One gets free content to share with their audience, while the other earns a high-quality backlink. Guest posting has plenty of benefits. It gives you the ability to build high quality and applicable backlinks. It helps you to build relationships with other blog owners. With the help of guest blogging, you can easily engage established audiences and interact with a new potential audience who you may be targeting. You can send traffic to your home page or even any other important pages on your website easily by linking from your guest posts. It is one of the greatest techniques for building more followers on social media platforms and driving traffic.

2. By publishing high-quality content:

Creating and publishing high-quality content is the core of generating backlinks. Out of all link building strategies creating quality content is the natural way of attracting links in the best way possible. If you don’t have content worth linking to, then, no one will link to you. It is quite very simple. You don’t have to put too much effort, you just have to create good content for your website and that will get you links naturally. Your website SEO will not get much if your website’s content is uninteresting, or familiar. You need to write content that is better than the content of your competitor. Come up with a topic then create in-depth content and try to update your content frequently with information and details that are helpful for users.

3. Public Relations:

Public relations is a marketing strategy that is proven to be one of the best ways of building backlinks. If people don’t know who you are, they won’t link to your website. Hence, relationships are the way you’re going to generate high-quality backlinks to your website. You will not immediately get high-rankings but slowly by making public relations, you will get success in the future. Strengthening public relations is the most necessary step in your backlinking process. For doing this you need to be more active on your social media accounts. By staying active, you will interact with a variety of people. Fill yourself with the knowledge necessary to know about your industry. The more people you will engage with, the more opportunity you will grasp of building backlinks.

4. Blog commenting:

Commenting on other pieces of content is another great way of building quality backlinks. It is considered to be one of the easiest ways to build links. Blog commenting helps you to engage with other bloggers to build relationships. You can even get SEO benefits from it such as better indexing and increased visibility. It can even lead you to write guest posts for other websites sometimes. Blog commenting is really effective especially when you’re leaving genuine and thoughtful comments on other blogs. One important thing to keep in mind though, if you leave one-line comments, they will not help you in any way. You will have to add value to your comments in order to get quality backlinks. In this way, it can even help you with the credibility of your website.


Quality backlinks are valuable for SEO. in order to improve your search rankings and traffic, you need more links from other sites. In this article, we talked about quality backlinks and how they are important for SEO. We also discussed some ways by which you can get high-quality backlinks to your website. I hope that this article has provided you with all the information required to know where to spend your time to get more quality backlinks.

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